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Installing Mininet on Mac

22 December, 2013

Mininet creates a realistic virtual network, running real kernel, switch and application code, on a single machine (VM, cloud or native), in…

Officially US Permanent Resident, July 2013

13 July, 2013

Akhirnya PR saya, istri dan anak di approve dan si kartu ijo sudah dikirim ke rumah. Proses berawal bulan November 2012. Approval didapat…

US Permanent Residency Process Status Check

06 March, 2013

Image: Found this website to check US Permanent Residency (Green Card) Process…

4G LTE Mobile Broadband Overview - Slideshare

24 February, 2013

Materi untuk Webex Sunday February 24th 2013 Original Webex placeholder:…

Beberapa Hal Yang Saya Ngalamin Tapi Jaman Sekarang Makin Jarang Dialamin

23 February, 2013

Lagi bosen di ruang kuliah, iseng nulis begini :D Beberapa Hal Yang Saya Ngalamin Tapi Jaman Sekarang Makin Jarang Dialamin. Atau bahkan di…

360 Degree Timelapse Dallas 560 at Reunion Tower

21 February, 2013

Took 1 hour to complete 360 degrees rotation. Visit for exterior view. The kitchen and cashier located in the…