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Tohpati - Sendiri, Cover

11 February, 2013

Update Kartu Ijo

30 January, 2013

Dapet email dari Mba Lisa, lawyer di Barry Appleman and Leiden kalau sekarang si proses kartu ijo sedang dalam tahap PERM labor…

Nandroid Backup & Restore for Android 4.2

23 January, 2013

I am using CWM 6 recovery, lets jump to the points: To do Nandroid backup, simply restart into recovery mode (CMW recovery should be…

Sempurna (Cover) Andra & The Backbone, Sigit & Maya

05 November, 2012

Permanent Residency Process

01 October, 2012

Akhirnya proses permanent residency dimulai. Lawfirm yang dipake Ericsson adalah Berry Appleman & Leiden ( Let's…

Me on SWA Magazine - Indonesian Diaspora

05 September, 2012

My friend Pyuth posted this on twitter: I was surprised because I didn't remember any of this before…